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Aids usually kills a victim within 10 years. usually because people who fall victim to aids don't actually die from AIDS, AIDs weakens one's immune system making it difficult for the victim of aids to survive an illness and will eventually die from not being able to combat an illness.

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Q: Does everyone with AIDS live shorter lives than people who do not?
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Will AIDS affect the people in Antarctica?

Affects everyone

What does Magic Johnson have to do with AIDS?

Magic Johnson announced in 1991 that he was HIV-positive. How he's survived 18 years with HIV is a mystery to basically everyone. I seriously wonder if he was misdiagnosed, because most people who contract HIV die of AIDS within 2 years or so, tops.

What is wrong with everyone?


Are AIDS and HIV the same things and I mean are they similar to each other?

HIV is the virus and AIDS is the disease. You get HIV and once it starts attacking your body you get AIDS. In lucky people, they can have HIV without ever getting AIDS but sadly, this is not true for everyone.

Does everyone have aids?

no its only a myth aids do not even exist....get over it

Will gay get AIDS?

Everyone can get AIDS, mostly by having unprotected sex with an infected person.

Do most gay people have aids?

Only a minority of gay people have AIDS. AIDS is a disease EVERYONE has to worry about. AIDS is NOT a gay disease. Women can pass it on to women, men can give it to women, men can give it to men. Sex is NOT the only way to transmit the disease. It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, bi, lesbian, transgendered, WHATEVER. YOU are still at risk for AIDS.

Do Gay people have a higher percentage of std's and aids in the US?

Gay individuals are at a higher risk for certain STDs, including HIV/AIDS, due to various factors like stigma, limited access to healthcare, and riskier sexual behaviors. However, not all gay people have higher rates of STDs and AIDS; rather, it is about higher risk factors within certain populations. It's important to promote inclusive sexual health education, access to healthcare, and destigmatization to address these health disparities.

People die from AIDS?

Yes, people will die from AIDS.

Is aids a fatal disease how many people die from aids?

AIDS is fatal and usually 7 out of 10 people die from AIDS.

How do people get AIDS?

By having sexual intercourse without protection. People can get AIDS by sexual intercourse or even open wound to open wound with a person who has AIDS. That being one of the reasons why doctors do not reuse needles and wear gloves. Other reasons are for their own safety and the patients safety. Blood is normally tested when donating or receiving blood but you can contract AIDS from the transfer of blood. AIDS is also the progressed stage of HIV. Not everyone that has HIV progresses to AIDS though (being the reason for the term "HIV/AIDS"). So it is possible to contract HIV then it to progress to AIDS.

Is it possible for a dog to get aids?

No. HIV is not a virus that lives in dogs.