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Q: Does exposure to nerve agent cause dilated pupils?
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Does Prozac cause dilated pupils?

I take Prozac for the last month and when I started feeling the drug about a week ago my pupils are very dilated after I take it.

Does ADHD cause dilated pupils?

My eyes do it looks like I'm taking heroin

How do you get rid of dilated pupils?

If your pupils are dilated after a visit to an ophthalmologist, leave it be. It'll get back to normal in a couple hours. If not, and this is just for theoretical knowledge, drugs like atropine and hyoscine cause constriction of pupils.

Is it possible that Actinic Granuloma can be cause from exposure to Agent Orange?

Yes, it is possible

Can exposure to agent orange cause seizures?

You will need to get a PERSONAL doctors diagnosis to answer this.

Can a veteran transmit an agent orange disease to his spouse?

No, the disease is not contagious. Only exposure to the agent can cause problems.

Can steroids cause the pupils to dilate?

Can steroids cause pupils to dilate

Does Adderall cause dilated pupils?

Yes; Adderall contains amphetamine. Amphetamine works by increasing certain neurotransmitters in the brain (dopamine and epinephrine) which cause the pupils to dilate. Consult your doctor if this side effect causes blurred vision or severe sensitivity to light.

What agent causes pinpointed pupils excessive sweating nausea vomiting and generalized seizures?

any kind of over use of pain killers will cause pin pointed pupils. That is a major sign that over dose or a seizure is very near.

Does Lortab make your pupils big or small?

Lortab will cause contraction of your pupils. (i.e. smaller pupils)

What biological problems does the nerve agent VX cause?

Vomiting. Foaming at the mouth. Uncontrollable muscle movements. Choking on your own fluids. Pinpoint pupils and bloodshot eyes.

Can Depo-Provera dilation of your pupils?

Depo Provera does not cause dilation of your pupils.