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Anything you read counts as reading - however, if you are doing something for a school assignment, you should use published material instead of fanfiction because your teacher probably won't count fanfiction.

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1mo ago

Yes, fanfiction can count as reading since it involves engaging with written material. While it may not be considered traditional literature, fanfiction can still provide valuable insight into narrative structure, character development, and creativity. Ultimately, any form of reading can help improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

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I'm not sure of specific fanfiction stories featuring Charlie Stern, but he is a character from the universe of the SCP Foundation, so searching for SCP Foundation fanfiction may lead to stories that include him. Remember to respect copyright and ownership laws when reading or creating fanfiction.

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Whether reading an R rated fanfiction would result in jail time depends on the specific content of the fanfiction and the laws in your jurisdiction. In many cases, reading adult content is not illegal, but producing or distributing it might be. It is important to be aware of the laws regarding pornography and obscenity in your area.

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Yes, boys can and do write fanfiction. Fanfiction is not limited by gender and anyone can participate in writing fanfiction regardless of their gender.

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It is difficult to provide an exact number, as it can vary depending on the platform and the specific fandom. However, slash fanfiction has a devoted following within certain communities, and there are many fans who enjoy reading and writing this genre of fanfiction.

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No, fanfiction does not reset the number of visitors you have to a story each month. The visitor count for your story accumulates over time and does not reset monthly.

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search it on google what type of fanfiction you write for example like Naruhina fanfiction (naruto) and it will pop up

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No, an account on fanfiction . net is free.

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