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Proteins do, our bodies need healthy fats for nutritional reasons. Avoid trans fats, but if you are talking height wise: calcium and proteins help you grow taller, but fats help you grow wider:) Growth is not directly controlled by fat, it is controlled by the release of hormones from the pituitary glands mainly and growth may also be affected by posture and physical activity. Fat does indirectly affect growth because fat is the body's main source of energy and without it, there would be little to no movement and activity. Think of it like this, fat comes from food and no matter how much food you eat, you will get some fat (unless the food has no fat: like water) and if you don't eat you wil not get any fat but eventually you will die, obviously stunting growth XD. Now, this is fat, the noun; BEING fat is another thing. That would stunt your growth because it impends you from participating in physical activities as well as adds weight to your bones and causes them to not grow as much upward because there is too much weight holding it down. Having too much fat basically makes you grow from left to right; not up and down. ;) My final answer to you is yes, fat does help you grow but too much can decelerate growth.

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14y ago

It makes you fatter, but not taller.

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Q: Does fat make you taller
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Skateboarding will not make you taller. It might make you skinnier or help you lose weight, but if you are not still growing, you won't get any taller.

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You should have about more fat than usual because you need that fat to grow taller and healthier.

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Yes, pudding can make you taller. I am not sure how and why, but I heard it and looked it up and yes, it makes you taller. Also I had some and I grew, like an inch taller. So if you want to grow taller, eat pudding! :)

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No, gaining muscles will not make you taller.

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No, stretching doesn't make you taller but if you want to become taller then you can try doing skipping, Bending and jumping. Hope this helps!

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1) It doesn't make you taller than the maximum which your DNA (heredity) calls for. 2) It doesn't make you taller after a certain age, when you've stopped growing in height.

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