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Raw meat is a ferrets natural diet - they are strict carnivores

Feeding ferrets a natural diet does not cause them to bite. I have 3 ferrets all of which are fed a raw diet.

There is no connection between feeding a diet that is natural to a ferret and aggression towards humans. I can tell you this from my own personal experience and the experience of others both in present times and historically. Feeding ferrets raw meat will not cause them to bite. Ferrets are strict carnivores - meat eaters - they have to eat meat in able to survive and before they were domesticated, raw meat was the diet. Ferrets naturally bite as young kits and need to be trained not to bite. Abused ferrets are "fear biters"

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Q: Does feeding ferrets raw meat cause them to bite?
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Can ferrets eat canned fruit?

Ferrets are strict carnivores - "meat eaters". They cannot digest fruit because they lack a cecum and an appendix. Feeding fruit to ferrets might cause stomach blockage that could eventually lead to their death

Are ferrets canivores?

Yes ferrets are carnivores. They eat raw meat, fish and eggs. You can also feed your pet ferret special ferret food. Ferrets cannot digest foods such as fruits and vegetables and feeding it to them may cause stomach problems or block the ferrets intestines.

Can ferrets eat gingersnaps?

Hello, You should avoid feeding your ferret anything sweet. The best treats for ferrets are small amounts of ferretone, high quality ferret treats (Wysong Natural Pet Food offers some of these) or strictly meat-based or protein based treats. Ferrets are vulnerable to diseases such as insulinoma, and feeding sugary treats may cause health problems for your ferret later. Ferret Owner

Can you give a ferret raw meat?

Yes, ferrets are carnivores - meat eaters. Type of meat ferrets eat is usually bird (chicken, pheasant, etc) or mice (the kind you feed to snakes), some beef, but don't feed them any pork. According to the book 'Complete Guide to Ferrets by James McKay' (ISBN 1853104337) "The best diet for ferrets consists of complete cadavers of mammals and birds, by gutting these first, as long as the lungs, heart, liver and kidneys are left for the ferret". There are Yahoo Groups dedicated to raw feeding ferrets for advise. See links below on feeding ferrets raw diets

Can ferrets eat rabbit food?

No. Rabits are herbivores meaning they eat only fruit and vegetables. Ferrets are the complete opposite. They are carnivores and should only be fed meat or meat based products. Feeding them foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains or dairy products can cause digestive upsets or in severe cases intestinal blockages which may require surgical treatment.

What foods are good or bad for domestic ferrets?

Anything that is not meat. This includes fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, sugar, and caffiene. They are obligate carnivores and their body is not designed to digest these items. Feeding them can cause obstructions and disease.

Can tuna make the hair fall out on ferrets?

If tuna is the only food source your feeding your ferret, yes it could make him very ill. Ferrets are carnivores (meat eater) and needs a balance diet provided by food made especially for ferrets.

Why do ferrets not eat fruit?

Ferrets are carnivores (meat eaters) and lack a cecum or appendix to properly digest vegetables, fruits or grains. Fruits can cause stomach blockage in ferrets which without surgical intervention will cause a very painful death.

Can ferrets eat cabbage?

No. Ferrets are obligate carnivores meaning they should only be fed meat or meat based products. Their bodies are not designed to digest any other forms of food such as fruit, vegetables, dairy or grains. Feeding theese to the ferret can cause digestive upsets or in severe cases lead to intestinal blockage which may require surgical treatment.

Can ferrets eat hamburger?

Yes if the hamburger is made of 100% meat. If the hamburger has any breadcrumbs, herbs or spices then feeding it to a ferret would not be recommended

Can ferrets eat chicken?

Yes. Ferrets are obligate carnivores and can only digest meat.