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It shouldn't hurt at all, however, if it's a deep cavity, they might blow air into the cavity and ask you if it hurts. That's just probably to see that they won't be filling in a plaque filled cavity.

All they really do is fill it with a substance and let it dry. Simple and Painless really.

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Q: Does filling a cavity hurt and how does it work?
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What else can you do on a cavity tooth other than filling and taking out the tooth?

Yes there is, but it depends on the cavity, I once had a little cavity and they just sealed my teeth, if you get a big or spread cavity then you pretty much have no option, but anyway it doesn't hurt that much they once pulled one of my teeth when I was seven. I hope you enjoy and found this answer helpful.

How do you heal tooth cavity?

By visiting a dentist for evaluation and possible filling.

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What procedures do laser dentists do?

Dentists who use lasers in their work can use them for killing the bacteria in a cavity and then filling it. They can also use them for surgery, and you may not need stitches.

I have a cavity between my front two teeth what is the best solution and how much will it cost?

The best thing to do is get a filling. This will prevent further decay, which is what a cavity is, in the tooth. Since it is in your front teeth, it will most likely be a superficial filling with minimal drilling, so there is nothing to worry about. A normal price for a filling without insurance usually costs $150-$175. Get that cavity out as soon as possible!

Why does your tooth hurt is it loose or do you have a cavity?

I think you may have a cavity. Check the dentist for an accurate answer, though.

What color is a cavity?

I think it's either black or brown but the cavity filling can be silver or white or even gold and lots of other colors

Is there any way of getting rid of cavity be sides of getting a filling?

You can get rid of a cavity by having the tooth pulled. If you want to keep it, you have to have it filled.

Why does cuts hurt?

because you have filling in your nerves

What are the signs that people need a filling?

for teeth if you have a bad cavity or if you are missing some of your tooth

What ways can you control moisture during a procedure?

Isollate tooth with cotton rolls in the process of cavity filling and by the use of suction tubes during cavity preparation

Do fillings prevent you from getting cavities?

no you can still get a cavity underneath the filling if you dont take care of them.