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Q: Does fluorine have a higher ionization than xenon?
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Why does boron have a higher ionization energy than fluorine?

Because fluorine's size is lower than that of iodine, it has a greater ionization energy than iodine. Fluorine, on the other hand, appears to have a smaller shielding effect. As a result, fluorine's nucleus attracts more valence electrons than iodine's.

Which element has a higher first ionization energy than chlorine Cl?

Ionization energy decrease down the group.So in halogens,Fluorine has highest 1st ionization energy.

Does fluorine have a higher ionization energy than bromine?

yes because ionization energy increases up and to the left on the periodic table. and fluorine has the highest ionization energy because it is so close to becoming a noble gas it tears off electrons from everything to complete the octete

Helium and neon cant form compounds with fluorine why?

The first Ionization energy of fluorine is less than that of the helium and neon.

How does sodium fluoride react with xenon?

No. Xenon is highly unreactive. Xenon will, under special circumstances, react with elemental fluorine, which is much more reactive than fluorides.

Is the ionization energy of chlorine higher than that of fluorine?

In the periodic table of elements, fluorine and iodine are in the same column, but fluorine is in the second, iodine in the fifth row. That means fluorine has only nine electrons flying around in orbitals while iodine has 53 of them. Ionization is the called a process during which a single electron is abstracted - we're now talking about the 1st ionization energy, which is much higher for fluorine. Well, as it only has nine electrons scattered in the orbitals (but according laws, of course), they do not really influence the repelling - attracting actions between the positive center and the other electrons beside them. For iodine with 53 electrons, they really do interfere with the attraction of other electrons AND as the outmost electrons (which are the ones taken away by ionization) are in those orbitals which are at the biggest distance to the center - for 53 electrons the outmost orbitals is at a much bigger distance... both results in a smaller attraction of the electrions at max distance from the center... so for iodine you need less energy to perform ionization.

Which has higher electron affinity fluorine or chlorine?

Fluorine has higher electron affinity than any other element.

Why is Xenon's boiling point higher than Neon?

because Xenon has more polarizable electrons.

Why does fluorine has higher ionization energy than neon?

because neon is a noble gas which has stable electronic configuration ,but this is not the same in case of fluorine.This means we have to give high energy to gaseous neon atom to ionise it.

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What element has the larger first ionization energy cesium or potassium?

Potassium has a higher ionization energy than cesium.

Is the boiling point of fluorine higher than waters?
