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some random question but mice always love to drink wee

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Q: Does forests have more owls or mice?
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Related questions

Why does owl catch several mice?

in the order to have enough food an owl will catch several mice. This means that there must be more mice than owls and the mice must be well fed with grass seed to be more fat and the owls will have bigger meals.

Why there are more mice than owl in an area?

Because mice reproduces rapidly but owls don't

Do mice live in forests?

There are mice that live in the forests.

In a certain ecosystem owls are predators for mice. The owl population increases and they eat more mice. This causes the mouse population to decrease. What happens next?

the population of owls decreases

What do barn owls do for us?

Barn owls eat mice, and we don't want mice in our barns.

Do mice live in temperate forests?

There are mice that live in the forests.

Why owls live in barns or forests?

because it is more safe in them then it is in open feilds

In a certain ecosystem, owls are predators for mice. The owl population increases, and they eat more mice. This causes the mouse population to decrease. What happens next?

the population of owls decreases. (Apex)

What do owls eat in deciduous forests?

Nuts.And whatever else is there, such as berries, leaves, or tree bark.

What preys on mice?


What do what eats owls?


What is the barn owls diet?

mice,shews, rats