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Organic decomposition always progresses better with adequate moisture.

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Q: Does garbage decompose better when it is moist or dry?
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What do you do with your wet and dry garbage?

Wet garbage is composed of organics, that is those components that can be composted (decompose naturally). Dry garbage is manufactured goods that do not decompose easily such as metal, glass, and plastic. While recycling is available for most forms of dry garbage, and composting of wet garbage can be done quite easily at home, most garbage, wet and dry, are disposed of via municipal and private waste contractors. It is typically buried in landfills, incinerated in large furnaces, or dumped at sea.

How dry garbage is recycled?

Dry garbage is manufactured goods that do not decompose easily such as metal, glass, and plastic. While recycling is available for most forms of dry garbage, and composting of wet garbage can be done quite easily at home, most garbage, wet and dry, are disposed of via municipal and private waste contractors. It is typically buried in landfills, incinerated in large furnaces, or dumped at sea

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Moist bread grows mold faster.much better than dry

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Moist air. Clouds are condensation from water vapor.

What is wet garbage and dry garbage?

Dry garbage can be recycled and wet garbage can be used as fertilizers.

What is dry garbage?

Dry garbage includes things that are dry. Wet garbage is soiled garbage, that could be wet with just about anything.

Is flour dry or moist?

dry;not moist, but you can make it wet, but it is dry.

Which is hotter moist heat or dry heat?

Conductivity. Moisture conducts the heat better than a dry system.

Why is moist heat efficient than dry heat?

Conductivity. Moisture conducts the heat better than a dry system.

What is dry garabage?

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