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No, Your general liability insurance covers accidents on the work site.

Commercial Auto Insurance would cover the work related auto accident of an employee.

If the employee was injured while on the job, Your workers comepensation coverage would also apply.

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Is the company liable if an employee was asked to take another employee to the hospital and has an accident during the trip?

In General No, The party that caused the accident is liable. However, If You were driving a company provided vehicle a the time of the accident, then the company may have some secondary financial liability depending on the circumstances of the accident.

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Absolutely not. General liability disclaimer does not cover negligence.

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What does general liability cover?

The amount of coverage and the specifics of coverage will vary from policy to policy. In general liability insurance will cover damages to individuals or entities other than the insured individual. For example, in auto insurance liability insurance will provide for individuals injured in an accident excluding the policy holder.

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Obtain third party prices from general product insurers here! Rated auto car group comparison of general liability insurance quotes and instant product liability insurance rates for women. Luxury employers accident liability insurance estimates in ins commerce and public liability insurance for business liability insurance

What does general liability insurance cover?

The amount of coverage and the specifics of coverage will vary from policy to policy. In general liability insurance will cover damages to individuals or entities other than the insured individual. For example, in auto insurance liability insurance will provide for individuals injured in an accident excluding the policy holder.

What is public liability insurance and how is it different from general liability insurance?

General liability covers Public and Producs Liability, therefore by having General Liability cover, public liability is covered also.

What type of commercial insurance covers an employee causing damage at a 3rd party?

This would be covered under your general liability policy for your business

Is there Coverage for owners and or supervisors if sued by employee under the general liability policy?

The answer would depend on what type of suit you are concerned with. For example if you are concerned with an employee suing because of wrongful termination or sexual harrassment this is not something covered under a standard unendorsed General Liability Policy. Some General liability policies will cover this but is is usually a defense only coverage and is very minimal. If this is they type of suit you are concerned with you will need to purchase and employment practices liability policy. Some of the policies can be very affordable depending on the nature of the business and the number of employees.

Where can I learn more about general liability?

General liability is the factor in each accident, happening, or case. In the event a person finds themselves laid of work and unable to pay monthly bills, they have the general liability to freeze future payments for a time in order to find work. Most creditors are more than happy to defer your payments, with an included interest fee racking up.

Handle the insurance after a hit and run and did not see driver but have licence plate number but only have liability insdurance?

Car insurance in general is not built for you when you are not at fault in an accident. You should complete a police report and and contact an attorney to help sue the at-fault party. If you have just liability you are not paying your insurance company for help in this matter. Liability pays for the damage you cause when you are at-fault in an accident.

Can you purchase commercial general liability insurance with a suspended drivers license?

I have commercial general liability in the amount of one millin and one million. I never had to show a driver's license. Why would you have to show a drivers licence when obtaining commercial general liability? (unless you wanted commercial general liability on a vehile, I declined to cover a vehicle). Yes you can, the GL policy covers anthing you may do incorrectly while working, it does not cover you while driving any vehicle.