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Yes It Does ! Add About A Spoonful Of Sugar Each Day To The Tree, Keeping An Eye On The Leaf's Colour. The Sugar Acts As A "Healthy Option" To The Plant's Food Diet. So Start Using This Method... And email Me Back If You Have Further Queries And Most Importantly, If The Method You Use.. Works. I Have Tested It On Several Christmas Trees Myself, And Have Seen Some Improvement To The Plant's Growth, Stability And Nutrition.

Kind Regards... Benjaman Burnley :)

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Q: Does giving Christmas trees sugar water help?
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Which freezes faster out of salt water sugar water and tap water and why?

Assuming there are equal concentrations of salt and sugar in each sample, the sugar water will freeze faster. Salt dissociates into its ions when dissolved, giving two ions for ever salt molecule. Because freezing point depression depends only on concentration, and the concentration of ions is double that of the sugar, sugar will freeze faster.

Sugar dissolves when stirred into water the sugar is the what the water is the what and the sweetened water is the what?

Sugar is solute Water is the solvent Sweetened water is the solution

Why does sugar desappear when put it in water?

It doesn't really disappear, it dissociates. Water is a solvent, and causes tons of stuff to separate, including sugar. Table sugar is not a single molecule (ie. glucose), but instead is a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (C12H22O11), and simply put, those pieces come apart in water giving the appearance of disappearing. (But they are actually only changing forms.)

Is sugar a solution?

No, sugar is not a solution. Sugar water is a solution of sugar and water, but sugar itself is not.

What happens when sugar dissolve in water?

Sugar becomes what is know as aqueous( dissolved in solution with the water) this is the process of water molecules breaking and surrounding ions in he sugar so for each sugar molecule several water molecules will be bonded to it thus why if you put enough sugar into water it cant dissolve all of it as there are not enough water molecules to surround the sugar.