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Q: Does god approve of crusades
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What sanctioned the crusades?

The Popes claimed God sanctioned the Crusades.

Why does God approve of torture?

I do not believe that God approves of torture.

What did God send as a sign the He did not approve of Israel's asking for a king?

God sent a thunderstorm during the wheat harvest as a sign that he did not approve of Israel's request for a king. This storm was a display of God's power and displeasure with their desire to have a king like the other nations.

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Did people observe the peace of God and the Truce of God during the Crusades?

Very few. It was rare to.

Does GOD approve of dating?

The Bible approve of dating when it is done in love and respect not as a game or fulfillment of sexual needs.

Was the crusades illegal?

no! pope urban 2 said God wanted christian people to kill arabics so the crusades started.

What were the Crusades ISN?

The crusades were people that belived in god going on a journey to seek wealth, or/and adventure, or/and salvation, and/or other religious purposes.

What was the symbol of the crusades?

a cross was the symbol of crusades

What is the religion in the colonial Boston?

Puritans, had their own religon with GOD, and only did what GOD would approve of.

Why do people yell deus vult at the beginning of crusades?

It was a famous quote from Pope Urban II's speech to go off to fight in the Crusades. He said "Deus vult!", meaning "God wills it!", referring to the Crusades.

What was good about the crusades?

Europe learned architechture and arts of school and we got to fight for God.