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I do not believe that God approves of torture.

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Q: Why does God approve of torture?
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Many Christians wear a crucifix, a symbol of torture. The Christian god is the god of pain.

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The Bible approve of dating when it is done in love and respect not as a game or fulfillment of sexual needs.

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I am not sure what they actually do to people with these, but I think they are called 'water boarding', sleep deprivation' and 'stress positions'. Personally I do not approve, apart from being unsafe (people are likely admit to anything to make the torture stop), it degrades the people performing and those sanctioning the torture.

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Puritans, had their own religon with GOD, and only did what GOD would approve of.

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The only torture in hell will be the absence of God.

What does the bible say about torture?

In the Bible we are commanded to love our neighbours. We are also told that man was created in the image of God. Surely, the implication is that torture is completely unacceptable.

Would god approve of guns?

As a Muslim, God would only approve of guns to fight for your rights, to mentain peace in the right order, over all to mentain Islamic principals. ---- The Judaeo-Christian God would certainly approve of guns. Much of the Old Testament is concerned with God guiding the Israelites in the ways of war, and the story of creation in Genesis specifically assigns humans dominion over animals.

What is it called when monks or nuns self torture for god?

"Doing penance" or "practicing mortification".

Do you get tortured in hell if you are a satanist?

All who go to hell will be in torture. Many persons believe that there are degrees of torture in hell. A satanist would probably be subjected to severe torture because he was a helper to Satan.Catholic AnswerHell is eternal separation from God, it is willful rejection of God and His Goodness. The two pains of hell are first, the pain of having rejected God and our only real fulfillment; the second is the pain of sense, with which we are tortured for eternity. Please understand that this is not something God willed or created, His permissive Will allows hell as the only option of an all loving God for one who has rejected that love. The pain and the torture are entirely of our own devising. A Satanist is someone who has directly rejected God by choosing to serve the first angel who rejected God - this is willful rejection of God and His love, everyone in hell is tortured for eternity, including the Satanists right along with Satan.