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No. Gold is merely tolerated better by your body. This is also true of titanium.

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Q: Does gold heal belly piercings faster?
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Related questions

What piercing is faster to heal?

As far as I know, lobe piercings.

Do belly button piercings heal over?

Yes they can. It depends on how long you've had it, what size (gauge) it is, and just how your body heals.

Does a Monroe piercing heal faster than a nose piercing?

Yes. If it is taken care of properly it can heal up to two times faster... I have both my nose and monroe done as well as other piercings.

Belly button piercing?

A belly button piercing,or naval piercing,is basically a piercing on the belly button. It can take about 4 to 6 months to heal after getting pierced. The legal age to get one depends on what state you live in. Most naval piercings are done in tattoo parlors or places that specialize in body piercings.

Does an ear piercing heal faster than a nose piercing?

Yes, Ears are the fastest healing piercings. The lobe, Will heal fastest. The cartilage will take about a week or two longer.

How do you get old piercings to heal?

You need to see your doctor to have the piercing sites lanced so the piercings will heal over.

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Do tongue piercings heal?


What can you put on a belly button to help it heal faster?

Nothing but what you have been told to use by your professional body piercer. There is no secret heal fast cure, it will heal as quickly as every other injury to your body and old as quick as you allow it to, so don't mess with it and it will heal.

Will your belly button reject the piercing if you repierce scar tissue?

It might, but not only because of the scar tissue. Many people just cant heal or keep navel piercings. They are surface piercings so they can be difficult to heal. If its only rejected once, go ahead and give it a try. If its rejected multiple times, you might not be able to keep one so it would be a waste of money :)

How long does it take to heal dimple piercings?

2 months

Do tongue piercings heal on top of the tongue?

I dont think they heal at all, because the tongue is a muscle.