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NO. Diamond does, graphite contains sheets of carbon atoms.

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Chemical formula of graphite?

Graphite is a form of carbon (C12) in which the atoms are generally arranged in flat layers of hexagonal formation, thus giving it its softness. Diamond is another form of carbon, this time with the atoms linked in a rigid, tetrahedral arrangement which affords the crystal its great strength.

Why graphite a nonmetal?

Graphite is a form of the element carbon, which is a nonmetal. While it has a metallic luster and conducts electricity, graphite is brittle. Unlike metals, which are held together by metallic bonds, graphite is a covalent network solid. Other forms of carbon behave more clearly as nonmetals.

What is a form of carbon that makes a good lubricant?

Graphite (I think)

What elements form graphite?

Graphite is a form of the element Carbon.

Is graphite made out of graphite?

It is a form of carbon.

What kind of solid is graphite?

Network solid

List in a table the similarities and differences between diamond and graphite including their uses?

Diamond and graphite are allot-ropes of each other. Diamond has a tetrahedral structure where as graphite has an hexagonal arrangement. Both are made of carbon atoms entirely. Diamond is used in jewelry etc. where as graphite is used as in batteries , lubricants etc.

What is in the mineral graphite?

Graphite is a form of carbon, an allotrope.

What is graphite an example of?

Graphite is an allotropic form of carbon.

Is graphite is an element?

graphite is a form of the element carbon.

What is graphite made of?

Graphite is a form of carbon.

Is graphite is purest form of carbon?

Graphite is indeed a pure form of carbon but it is just one form. Carbon exists as different allotropes like diamond and graphite.