

Does gravity allow heat to rise?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Does gravity allow heat to rise?
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Heat, the heat from the flames below the balloon cause the balloon to rise.

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Because of gravity.

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what? I don't understand your question

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Gravity causes the less dense stuff to rise

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First you compress the gas, upon which its temperature will rise. Allow it to radiate off the excess heat - the heat caused by the compression. Now allow it to expand again. It will now be colder than when you started. This is the principle upon which refrigerators work.

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Mass of an object influences the force of gravity on it.

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Heat speeds up molecules, this causes the particles to rise

Do you use convection when you use heat?

convection is the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat

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Heat is the energy of the hot air. Therefore hot air rises

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The tides.