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No. The ball in a roulette wheel, a Baseball, and a Golf-ball are all moving and
all under the influence of gravity, but all executing very different patterns of
speed and direction.

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Q: Does gravity determine the speed and direction of a moving object?
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Which gravity speeds up a moving object?

Gravity will speed up a force if gravity acts in the same direction as the object is already moving - for example, if the object is already moving downward - and if counterforces (such as air resistance) don't interfere too much.

How does motion in a vertical circle differ from that in a horizontal circle?

During motion in a vertical circle, the force of gravity (weight of the object) is in the same direction as the motion for half the time and in the opposite direction for the rest.For a body moving in a horizontal circle, gravity is acting orthogonally to the motion at all times.During motion in a vertical circle, the force of gravity (weight of the object) is in the same direction as the motion for half the time and in the opposite direction for the rest.For a body moving in a horizontal circle, gravity is acting orthogonally to the motion at all times.During motion in a vertical circle, the force of gravity (weight of the object) is in the same direction as the motion for half the time and in the opposite direction for the rest.For a body moving in a horizontal circle, gravity is acting orthogonally to the motion at all times.During motion in a vertical circle, the force of gravity (weight of the object) is in the same direction as the motion for half the time and in the opposite direction for the rest.For a body moving in a horizontal circle, gravity is acting orthogonally to the motion at all times.

What determines the terminal velocity of an object?

Gravity and drag. Gravity accelerates the object and drag (caused by friction) slows it down. When the full effect of these two forces have been applied to an object, that object is said to have reached terminal velocity. A combination of mass, the size of the leading surface area and the shape of the object determine it's velocity. Example: A man with a closed parachute falls faster than a man with an open parachute.

How can you find the direction of a moving object?

Determine the position of the object at two different times. The vector joining the first with the second of those positions points in the direction of the objects motion.

What happen to the speed of moving object when it is pushed in the direction of motion?

When a moving object is pushed in the direction of its motion the speed of the object increases

What happened to the speed of moving object when it is pushed in the direction of motion?

When a moving object is pushed in the direction of its motion the speed of the object increases

What affects does gravity have on objects that fall in a down motion?

The same as on any other object that is in free fall (no matter in what direction it is currently moving): the object will be accelerated downward.

What does moving object mean?

it means an object is moving based on the force of friction and gravity.

The name of the froces that slows objects moving through air?

There are two forces that will slow an object moving through the air. The first is friction due to the air and the second is gravity. However, in the case of gravity, it only acts to change the component of the object's velocity in the vertical direction.

Which force pushes against a moving object as it passes through air?

When an object is moving in a particular direction, air resistance will be acting on the object in the opposite direction to the direction of travel.

What is the force that keep an object moving?


What determines the change in direction of an object after it collides with another moving object?

the force or other moving object