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Something can only be weightless in zero gravity.

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Q: Does gravity mean something can be weightless?
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Are austronaughts really weightless in space?

Yes, but they do have the same mass. Weight is based off the effect of gravity pulling something down, because there is no gravity in space astronauts are weightless.

Identify the characteristic of gravity that is incorrect?

It makes astronauts weightless.

When is something weightless?

Something is weightless when there are no gravitational forces acting upon it.

How does gravity hold the solar system together?

There is no gravity in space, everything is weightless.

How come an object can never be weightless?

gravity and mass...

What is weight without gravity?

weightless zero _ not measurable

Why do astronaut feel weightless in space?

They actually are weightless, due to the fact there is no gravity in space. However a sky-diver would say he/she feels weightless, but they are experiencing free-fall.

A friend says that astronauts in orbit are weightless because they're beyond the pull of earth's gravity correct your friend's ignorance?

Astronauts are weightless in space because there is no gravity in space. The lack of gravity is what allows them to float.

What is the difference between weightless and mass less?

weightless means mass without acceleration of gravity massless means no mass and hence no weight even with gravity acceleration WEIGHT = MASS x ACCELERATION In orbit around earth where apparent zero-gravity exists you are weightless, but still have mass

Were else can you find gravity but earth?

Yes. Gravity exists everywhere in the universe as all objects have a gravitational pull. Objects in space do not seem weightless because there is no gravity. Rather they seem weightless because they are in freefall.

Can an object with mass be weightless while under the influence of gravity?

No, objects under the influence of gravity have a mass.

Can people be weightless if so how and where?

People are weightless if in zero gravity in outer space. On earth, weightlessness can be simulated for training in a rapidly descending aeroplane.