

Does green match with a Tan color?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Does green match with a Tan color?
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Can I mix yellow into tan paint to get what color?

on first impression, i wuld say yellowish tan. but if you want to get technical, I would say gold. it could also be any variation of gold color.

What is tan20tan32 plus tan32tan38 plus tan38tan20?

This may not be the most efficient method but ... Let the three angle be A, B and C. Then note that A + B + C = 20+32+38 = 90 so that C = 90-A+B. Therefore, sin(C) = sin[(90-(A+B) = cos(A+B) and cos(C) = cos[(90-(A+B) = sin(A+B). So that tan(C) = sin(C)/cos(C) = cos(A+B) / sin(A+B) = cot(A+B) Now, tan(A+B) = [tan(A)+tan(B)] / [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] so cot(A+B) = [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] / [tan(A)+tan(B)] The given expressin is tan(A)*tan(B) + tan(B)*tan(C) + tan(C)*tan(A) = tan(A)*tan(B) + [tan(B) + tan(A)]*cot(A+B) substituting for cot(A+B) gives = tan(A)*tan(B) + [tan(B) + tan(A)]*[1- tan(A)*tan(B)]/[tan(A)+tan(B)] cancelling [tan(B) + tan(A)] and [tan(A) + tan(B)], which are equal, in the second expression. = tan(A)*tan(B) + [1- tan(A)*tan(B)] = 1

Which is greater tan 1tan2 tan3 .arrange them in descending order?

If the angles are measured in degrees or gradians, then: tan 3 > tan 2 > tan 1 If the angles are measured in radians, then: tan 1 > tan 3 > tan 2.

How can arccot of tanx be simplified?

There is not much that can be done by way of simplification. Suppose arccot(y) = tan(x) then y = cot[tan(x)] = 1/tan(tan(x)) Now cot is NOT the inverse of tan, but its reciprocal. So the expression in the first of above equation cannot be simplified further. Similarly tan[tan(x)] is NOT tan(x)*tan(x) = tan2(x)

What is tan 20?

tan 20 = 2.23716094