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There is no evidence that green tea can help with varicose veins. Lifestyle changes and support stockings may help decrease their appearance.

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green tea does

Can yellow tea make you slim?

Yellow tea is made similar to green tea, just oxidized somewhat longer than green tea, but shorter than black and oolong tea. This means that the health benefits of yellow tea are similar to those of green tea. Green tea is known for its ability to help control appetite and help with weight loss. So since yellow tea is similar to green tea I believe it is safe to assume that yes it could possibly help slim you down if you drank enough of it.

What are the benefits of a green tea diet?

A green tea diet is full of antioxidants. It also can help prevent cancer, help control weight and even helps as an anti-inflammatory.

Does a tea weight loss plan really work?

Green tea added to a weight loss plan can help with losing weight. Green tea is supposed to help raise energy levels.

How do I find information on green tea diet?

If you have a Wholefoods store in your area, they will help you get the products containing green tea. They will also help you plan meals and stick to your diet plan! The best thing the green tea will do is provide your body with antioxidants.

What is the benefit of drinking green tea while trying to loose weight?

Green tea does offer many great nutritional benefits and some say it can help promote weight loss. Green tea is full of antioxidants which are great for your body anyway, but green tea can also help you feel fuller and its caffeine can boost your metabolism.

Are there any weight loss systems that utilize green tea?

I have heard that green tea can help people lose weight. You could also buy green tea capsules in case you get tired of drinking the tea all the time.

Are there safe herbal alternatives for bladder control medications?

They have herbs such as cranberries and drinking mugwort tea and green tea. Drinking green tea can help infections in the bladder.

Will citrus green tea help me pass a urine test?

No, nothing will help.

Will tea help you lose weight?

Only green tea helps you in weight loss. If you see the ingredients of many weight loss medicines its main ingredient is green tea. Green Tea contain high amount of catechin polyphenols which intensify the process of fat burning in your body. If you drink green tea regularly it will gradually increase the metabolism of your body and help in burning fats naturally.

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Eggs are good to help both man and woman and green tea

What are some best green to start the day?

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