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Yes, it lowers non-heme iron, which is iron found in vegetables. Heme iron, iron found in meat, it generally unaffected by the tannis found in tea. If you eat meat or are not anemic, then you can drink all the tea you want. You can mitigate this effect by eating foods rich in Vitamin C, like fresh fruits and vegetables, with your meal, as they boost absorption of non-heme iron. You can also drink tea between, rather than with meals.

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There is some evidence that tea, including not only green tea but also black tea and other types of tea from the Camellia sinensis plant, may inhibit iron absorption. "Block" is a strong word, as the effect does not seem to be large enough to be a matter of huge concern.

However, the larger population studies have found that this effect does not seem to be a matter of concern for most people. You can minimize this effect by drinking tea between, rather than with meals, and by eating foods rich in Vitamin C, and if you are not vegetarian, eating at least a small portion of meat or fish, with each meal, as both of these things improve iron absorption.

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12y ago

In part, due to its antioxidant content and relatively moderate levels of caffeine, tea is generally considered to be a healthy beverages. But drinking tea is said to block the body's absorption of dietary iron, potentially causing a deficiency.

There is some scientific evidence supporting this effect. Compounds in tea called tannins can act as chelators, binding to minerals and inhibiting the body's ability to absorb them. Although that can reduce a person's levels of iron, studies of large numbers of people have found that it is unlikely to have much of an impact.

In one study, scientists examined the effect by having people eat a typical meal - a hamburger, string beans and mashed potatoes - and then measuring their iron levels after the meal was combined with various drinks. When the subjects ate the meal with tea, there was a 62 percent reduction in iron absorption. Drinking coffee resulted in a 35 percent reduction. Orange Juice increased iron absorption by about 85 percent.

Coffee and tea affected only the levels of non-heme iron, the kind found in grains and vegetables. Heme iron, found in meat, fish and poultry, was unaffected.

Because most Americans generally get more iron from their diets than needed, a daily cup or two of coffee or tea is unlikely to lead to low levels of iron.

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12y ago

Drinking tea, such as black tea, green tea, or any true tea, from the Camellia sinensis plant, cannot deplete or reduce your iron levels. However, there is some evidence that under some conditions, tea may slightly inhibit the absorption of iron from vegetable or dairy sources. There is no source on iron from meat or fish sources.

This effect however is mild and is not a concern for most people. You can reduce this effect by eating foods rich in vitamin C with your meals, as vitamin C greatly improves iron absorption. A small amount of meat can also improve iron absorption from vegetable or dairy sources. Lastly, you can drink tea between, rather than with meals, to minimize this effect.

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12y ago

no, tea actually drains iron from your body.

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