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While lightning typically goes from a cloud to the ground and does rarely move upward from the ground, going from one part of the earth to another is unnecessary. Given a piece of negatively charged ground and another positively charged one, the path of least resistance would be through the ground rather than through the air.

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Q: Does ground to ground lightning exist?
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When lightning hits a lightning rod where does the lightning go?

The ground

What a lightning rob does?

It is called a lightning rod and it protects buildings from lightning by guiding the lightning into the ground.

Do you need thunder and lightning to exist?

Thunder is a byproduct of lightning. Lightning creates nitrates which plants require to grow. Other sources of nitrates exist. So lightning assists in helping plants grow.

Why would standing on a beach make your body act like a lightning rod?

Answer: Well, you wouldn't. Lightning would most likely strike and injure or kill you. A lightning rod is a vertical pointed metal rod placed on the tops of buildings. They are connected by heavy wire to a good ground system buried in the ground, or perhaps grounded to the building's plumbing system. When lightning conditions exist, the lightning rod will draw off the electrical buildup, preventing a lightning strike from occurring. The building below the lightning rod is protected from lightning strikes, too.

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Sheet lightning is Cloud to Cloud where Lightning is Cloud to Ground.

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because (fork lightning in particular) lightning starts on the ground!

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No lightning is just energy. It is also found on Venus.

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