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No. Its an old wives tale, it also doesn't stick your insides together OR take 7 years to digest.

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No it does not.

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Q: Does gum make holes in your stomach?
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Does chewing gum make your stomach bigger?

No it makes you blot instead.

What is bad about gum?

Thats what tons of people ask me! Well, what can happen is when the sugar in the gum mixes with the saliva, it goes down to the stomach. The Saliva and Sugar make a chemical that help dissolve food in your stomach. BUT, if there is no food to digest in your stomach, the chemical starts to digest your stomach lineng. Plus, if you swallow gum it takes 7 DAYS to digest it... be careful with gum!

What digests quicker in your stomach bacon or bubble gum?

bacon because gum gets stuck to the sides of your stomach and intestines

Does gum break down in your stomach?

Yes, gum will break down in the stomach, just like any food you consume.

How come the acids don't burn holes in your stomach?

It doesn't burn holes in your stomach because we all have a lining in our very own stomach.

Why does lettuce make stomach hurt when eaten at night?

Maybe its just you , gum makes my stomache hurt at night.

Why birds peck holes in sweet gum trees?

Birds peck holes in Sweet Gum trees because they are looking for food. The bark of the Sweet Gum is soft making it easy to peck while looking for small insects.

Why candy isn't good for you?

Candy is bad fot you because it gives you cavities it can also give you gum disrase and it can make you stomach hurt and make you fat

Does gum stay in your stomach forever?

No, it gets digested in the stomach acid, like all food.

Does chewing gum make you vomit?

Chewing gum actually makes you hungrier, because you are tricking your stomach into thinking its ready to digest. I don't think chewing gum can make most people vomit, but with sensitive stomachs, it is highly possible.

How can you treat holes in your upper gum line?

By going to see a doctor.

Can uncooked ramen noodles poke holes in your stomach?

No, your saliva and the acid in your stomach softens them.