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Yes, you chewed most of the sugar out of it, or if it is sugar free, you chewed all the substitutes out of it

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Q: Does gum weigh less after being chewed?
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Related questions

Why does chewed gum has less mass than unchewed gum?

because you have chewed out all the sugar or if its sugarless you've chewed the artificial sweetener

What would ABC gum be without being chewed?

unchewed abc gum

How much does a can of chewing tobacco weigh?

Chewing gum is considered indigestible and will not make a person fat. The average weight of chewed chewing gum is 2.7 grams.

What is the most often chewed on object chewed on by Americans?

Chewing gum

What gum weighs more chewed gum or a new piece of gum?


Why is bubble gum supposed to be chewed?

Bubble gum is supposed to be chewed because it is healthier to chew it than chewing your nails (as long as the gum is sugar free).

Most gum chewed at once how many pieces?

The record for most pieces of gum chewed at once is held by Chad Fell from the United States, who chewed on 256 pieces of gum at the same time in 2004.

Does it matter if gum has more or less sugar to blow a bubble?

Generally, when the gum has more sugar (or you have only chewed it for a short period of time), it is easier to blow a bubble. The gum isn't as tough.

Time Zone difference between gum and Honolulu?

Gum does not have a time zone. Gum is a kind of candy that can be chewed. To my knowledge no candies have their own time zones. Gum is best when chewed in Guam.

What is a white ball that is by your tonsole and looks like a piece of chewed up gum?

Probably a piece of chewed up gum

What does it mean ABC gum?

ABC gum stands for gum that has "already been chewed."

How many schools allow gum to be chewed?

no school allow gum