

Does hair dissolve

Updated: 9/17/2023
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10y ago

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If treated with too many chemicals, or with chemicals that are too strong, hair may break or melt.

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Q: Does hair dissolve
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Does Coca-Cola dissolve hair?

No, Coca-Cola will not dissolve hair!! How do i know this? Well, I actually just did my Science Fair Project to see if hair will dissolve in certain liquids and coca-cola was one of my liquids. the Coca-Cola only changed the color of the hair but it did not dissolve it. Bleach will dissolve it in a matter of hours!!

Does hair dissolves in water?

No,hair does not dissolve in water.

Can you bleach your hair using liquid bleach?

Yes you can, but I wouldn't recommend it. The hair may also dissolve.

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Any hair shampoo and warm water should dissolve the syrup and wash it away.

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Yes it is very bad and if you don't have the right hair it could dissolve and burn your hair

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Wash your hair. The Kool-Aid will dissolve and rinse away during any shampoo.

How to dissolve hair in shower drains?

Use "Draino Gel" it works well.

How do you dissolve tootsie roll from hair?

You put hot water on the hair and let it sit there. It is proven that lollipops shrink with water on it or saliva.

Does adding water to hair bleach ruin it?

doing this will mess the hair up by making the hair dissolve infront of you which will leave you with no hair so i would not advise using bleach with water if you do want to keep your hair.

Will bleach hurt you if you put it in your hair?

It will not hurt as long as it is on the hair. You should not touch the scalp or your hands with it as it will burn and you should never use household bleach because your hair will dissolve in it.

How do I find over the counter Lotions to stop hair growth on legs?

You can buy ones to slow down hair regrowth in most chemists. Ask for depilatory products. These are chemicals that dissolve hair

How is methempetamine measured in a hair folical test?

They dissolve the hair in a chemical, then put the dissolved hair in a Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer testing machine. Any drugs you have done will show up.