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Yes, it inactivates the virus to render it harmless. The alcohol will denature ("dissolve") the proteins in the viral envelope (coating/capsid) making it unable to bind to its host cell so that it can live and replicate. It also will damage the proteins on the capsid to allow the viral contents to leak out and disable the virus.


Technically, you do not kill viruses since they are non-living organisms, but inactivating is essentially the same as killing.

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12y ago

Yes, if you use it exactly as directed on the label and if it is a minimum of 60% alcohol content.

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Q: Does hand sanitizer kill influenza
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Can you kill a plant with hand sanitizer?

Yes you can if it is an alcohol-based sanitizer. They are effective on fungi, too, but do not kill spores.

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Hand sanitizer is stronger than soap. It is stronger because it contains chemicals that kill pathogens.

Can hand sanitizer make a male sterile?

From what I've heard and from what has been been said recently, there is an ingredient in hand sanitizer that makes males sterile. Hand sanitizer is known to kill bacteria but what is in the sanitizer gets absorbed into the body, which is what causes men to become sterile.

Will hand sanitizer kill the hands?

Klenza is India's first alcohol free hand sanitizer. It uses a silver and water-based foam technology. It is a completely non-toxic hand sanitizer, gentle and safe for kids. Klenza hand sanitizer protects from germs 3 hours after its use.

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You have got to be kidding me. Getting high from hand sanitizer is one of the worst ideas. It can literally kill you. Stick to the classic illegal substances.

Is hand sanitizer poisonous if it is licked from the fingers?

If you lick hand sanitizer, you should rinse your mouth with water. It won't kill you if you just lick a little, but you can die if you drink a lot of it.