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Q: Does he angle of the suns rays strikin earths surface greatly affect the equatorial and polar regions?
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Why is surface salinity of an ocean higher in the subtropics than in the equatorial regions?

Evaporation is more. Rainfall is less in comparison of equatorial region. In equatorial region, insulation is not much because of clouds.

Why are equatorial areas so hot?

Equatorial areas are hotter than the rest of the earth surface because they get more exposure to direct sunlight, in contrast to polar regions where the sun does not shine for six months at a time.

What makes the equatorial divergence regions biologically productive?

Biologically a very productive region of the ocean. At the equator, there is divergence of surface water because the net Ekman transpor.

How does a mercator map misrepresent the world?

The Mercator map projection does not represent area correctly. the equatorial regions are relatively small and the polar regions relatively large (if Greenland looks larger than Australia then the area proportions are wrong Australia has more than three times the surface area of Greenland).

In what regions of the globe do warm surface currents originate?

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Where does the greatest amount of solar energy reach the surface of the ocean?

The greatest amount of solar energy reaches the surface of the ocean near the equator. This is because the sun's rays are more direct at the equator, resulting in higher solar intensity. Additionally, the equatorial regions generally experience less cloud cover, allowing more sunlight to reach the surface of the ocean.

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An epithelial cell can be divided into basal and apical functional regions.

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small intestine

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The equatorial plane is the flat surface perpendicular to the axis of the earth through the largest part - i.e. the equator. Since the axis tilts at 23+ degrees, so does the plane.

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when regions of earth surface sink down

Which current carries warm water to the poles?

Those surface currents that normally (but not exclusively because of the global oceanic conveyor and the position and shape of the continents) flow from the equatorial regions to wards the poles such as:-The Gulf StreamThe Kuroshio CurrentThe Alaska CurrentThe Brazil CurrentThe Agulhas CurrentThe East Australian Current

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