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weLL um iam not to experience buT yuH know some times guysare like dat dey doont show dere emotion but dey may like yuh do yuh have hints like does he stare at chu or tell yuh compliments or just makes put with yuh nd& of not den he prbably does not like yuh iam ssry but its not rocket science loveis tought core nd& if he does like yuh gurl step up yuhre gaME honEY !!! lmaooo...

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3d ago

It's possible that he enjoys spending time with you both as friends or he may have a close friendship with the other girl. The only way to know for sure is to communicate openly with him about your feelings and observe how he responds.

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Q: Does he like you he always hangs out with another girl?
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How do you know if a girl has a crush on you through feelings?

You may notice signs like increased attention, blushing, or laughter when you are around. She may initiate conversations, touch you often, or try to spend more time with you. Pay attention to her body language and see if she mirrors your actions or maintains strong eye contact.

Does it mean when a boy pulls a girl hair does it mean that the boy like the girl?

Not necessarily. Pulling someone's hair can be a sign of immaturity or a way to get a reaction, but it does not always indicate romantic interest. It's important to consider the context and intent behind the action.

How do you know when a 4th grade girl likes you?

Basically, the girl will stare at you, laugh at all your jokes, and try to be close to you. I know because I am in fourth grade. But, if you like to fight a lot with the girl, and you guys always say mean things to each other, THE GIRL LIKES YOU AND YOU LIKE HER!

How do you get a girl to like you when your in third grade?

Dont be rude, if you pass her in the hallway just make a nice compliment.Girls like all different kinds of boys.Just stand up for yourself also dont change yourself be yourself.I am a boy in third grade and I had a crush on a girl for about a year.

How do you get a girl to like you in 4th grade?

In 4th grade, the best way to get a girl to like you is to show kindness, respect, and be yourself. Be friendly, have conversations, and find common interests to bond over. Remember to always treat her with respect and listen to her thoughts and feelings.

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How can you tell a girl you hang out with likes you after she claims to not want to be touched by another guy but yet still hangs out and gets close to you?

That's hard. But I guess it depends on what you mean by it. If she's always have a good time, and always talking to you, then she might like you. Ask her. If she blushes when you ask her, she might like you a little or a lot.

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Another name for girl is Chick,or like dudette... :) You could always go with female. ;) ~Rae

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if you hang out with them more often than some of your girlfriends or if you are the only girl who hangs out with them than they start to think that you really like to hang out with them and they automatically think that you like them.

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He is like volts sidekick and always hangs around him

How can you tell a girl that you like her when she always hangs out with her friends?

you can send her a note or call her if you know her phone number and if you dont, don't search it up she will think you are creepy.

You like someone does he like you?

He tells you everything and isn't afraid to or he says you are his bff and always hangs out with you and listens to your feelings.

How do you know if a girl likes you when she flirts with a lot of guys?

ysally th girl likes u if she hangs with u alot more the any of the other guys but if she hangs with them sorry most likely she doesnt like u bud

At school there's a girl I like and I think she likes me to how do I get up the curage to ask her out?

It's always scary to ask someone out and you will always be embarrest or scared or nervios if she always hangs around her friends ask her to come with you for a bit and ask her in private, be in a comfitable place and just go for it :)Andrew.c

How do you know if your crush is gay?

Well, a boy at my school acts very girly. You know it when he acts like a girl or if he always hangs out with girls. Also he is also very awkward and stuff. I tricked him into telling me he is gay. You can do it to.

What does it mean when a girl loves hanging out with a boy?

depends on what kind of girl it is. If it is the kind of tom-boy girl and she hangs out with guys normally then it means you're just friends. If it is the kind of girl who is constantly talking to her girlfriends and she hangs out with you......SHE LIKES YOU If you like her ask her out. If you don't..........well move to Canada (unless you already live there)

My boyfriend hangs out with another girl what do I do?

Confront to him that you don't like that. If he stop that means he values you, if he doesn't stop then you guys need to sit down and have a long talk.

What should you do id a guy you like hangs out with a girl you dont like?

catch his attention and win him back. this can take over a year, but it works.