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no lice comes on dirty places

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Q: Does head lice come from clean hair?
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If you had lice was your hair to clean or to dirty?

i am a doctor and i say lice come from people with clean hair.

Is head lice caused by poor hygiene?

< no, lice prefers clean hair. If the hair is dirty the lice/eggs cannot attach themselves.

How does head lice start?

If your hair is clean, lice crawl up into your hair and start to live in your hair (like a hotel) and lay eggs.

What attracts lice?

They are attracted to clean hair. When they "glue" the egg to the hair, it sticks much easier to clean, soft hair.

Do lice like oily hair?

Yes, of course they do. They also like stinky hair. If you want to keep lice away wash your hair once a day so you will have less of a chance of getting lice in your hair. Hope this helps you out. Head lice like clean hair! Not dirty!

How does Head start?

If your hair is clean, lice crawl up into your hair and start to live in your hair (like a hotel) and lay eggs.

Why do head lice like living in long clean hair?

Because clean heads are easier to feed on, and lay eggs on.

How do catch hair lice?

You get head lice by putting your head by someone who already has head lice

Do ladybugs eat head lice?

NO! they are not like the eat your hair. because then baby ladybugs will come out your hair

Can hair lice become body lice?

Not at all. Head lice are head lice and body lice are body lice. They are two separate parasites with identical images. Body lice tend to be found more on those who don't change clothing or don't shower. Head lice can be contracted from another person who has it. Head lice are more attracted to clean har so if you get them you are not dirty at all.

What do lice prefer better clean hair or dirty hair?

Lice prefer dirty hair than clean hair it's proven to be a scientific fact

Can you get head lice when your ill?

Yes, head lice are living creatures which get into your hair through physical contact - they 'land' or 'crawl' onto your hair. That it how you get head lice. Therefore, you can still get head lice when you are ill because the illness makes no difference to your hair.