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Yes, i had it and it was horrible.i had 25 bugs and who noes how many eggs! x( so go out a buy nix and get someone to pick threw ur head!itll be a while! hve fun and good luck! xD

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Q: Does head lice make scalp burn?
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What do lice do to you?

it doesnt; it just itches. you see, your hairs have little tiny vaginas on them, and the lice are supahorny. they impregnate your hairs, making them have babies and then the babies need food, so they eat the scalp, making it itchy. so they only get itchey.

What can happen if you start scratching your scalp too much?

your skelp will keep getting itchy and more itchy and it wont stop being itchy.

Why do it feels like something is crauling in your head?

There just might be something crawling in your hair if you meant hair. Lice can crawl on the hair and be on the scalp to make you feel like scratching the head. See a doctor to confirm if lice is the problem or something else.

What effect does hot water have on the scalp?

if the water is to hot it will make your head have a reaction and cause it to burn and create more.

How do humans help head lice?

The best you can do is when you shower make sure you scratch your scalp and put in the shampoo good. Or just maybe have someone to pick them out.

Can pubic lice crawl and get on scalp?

A crawling pubic louse is too slow to make it to the scalp beofre death. However, someone rarely may manage to "carry" a pubic louse from the genital area to the head.

How do lice make your head itch?

a head louse has 6 legs each one with a claw like thing on it. These claws can irritate and scratch your head making you want to itch it. Another way they can make your scalp itch is by feeding on your blood their saliva or bites can make your scalp itchy if you are allergic to it but it's most likely the claws.

Is lice dangerous?

No but there stings hurt. Just put some aloe on it.

Why can't you scratch your head before you get a perm?

Because If You Scratch It , The Scratching Will Open Your Pores And Make The Perm Burn And Cause Sores On Your Scalp.

Does lice make holes in your head?


Why is head lice dangerous?

Lice are not dangerous! They just make your head itch and may leave a rash...

Do head lice not like it when you straighten or curl your hair?

Lice like all kinds of hair and flat ironing your hair will not remove lice and their eggs. Especially since the eggs or nits are very close to the scalp (they need the warmth) and flat irons don't reach that close, unless your burning your scalp which would not be good. Also the nits are in a protective shell so the heat will not do anything to them, unless you burn your scalp and that makes no sense at all.Either way your not removing all the nits and lice. You have to use a treatment. I recommend using Fairy Tales Hair Care Products ( .No harmful chemicals, NON TOXIC! I swear by their products my kids are lice free!Dont waste your time on home remedies like mayonaise and olive oil. Dont put your kids through the embarrassment especially since they wont work and the more time you spend on home remedies the more time the lice have to lay their eggs and make more lice!!