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Q: Does heat make things lighter or heavier?
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Does material get lighter or heavier when you burn it?

I think it would be lighter because all the moisture has gone from the substacne which would make it lighter.

Will a shorter shaft make a golf iron heavier?

No. It will make it lighter because there is less material.

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because you

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A heavier snake would, though lighter would not.

How do you make plastic frame glasses bend?

Heat them up with a lighter or other heat source.

How do you make fruit sink in water?

Most fruit is heavier in water and will sink. Lighter fruits such as cherries and citrus slices will float. To make them sink, they could be frozen to make them heavier. They will eventually become waterlogged and sink.

How far can you throw a lighter ball then a heavier ball?

This question doesn't make sense ... are you a six year old?

How are structures made seismically safe?

you make it so it is heavy but with a light top and evenly balanced make it heavier, and as you go up, lighter

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trick question you cant put anything in a bag to make it lighter. every thing has mass, and mass includes weight. therefor by putting anything into a bag it would make the bag heavier.

Is diesel fuel heavier than water?

Yes, diesel will float on top of water. This is because the petrol will weigh less than the water will weigh, therefore it will float on top of the heavier substance.

How do you make objects of different masses to reach the ground at the same time?

You must let the lighter one go first then let the heavier one go. The heavier should then catch up.

What heat sources make things rise?

Fire makes things rise as it is a very strong source of heat. So does hot air. Fire causes hot air and because hot air is lighter than cold air, it rises. Is that good? (my first answer X3)