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No it doesn't. You'd however need a larger volume of helium to weigh the same when heated. In other words, the density of the gas decreases when you heat it. The mass per unit amount (in moles or any other suitable unit) is always a constant.

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9y ago

Yes. Helium has mass and thus weight. However, since it is less dense than air, on Earth, the buoyant force that helium experiences is greater than the force it experiences from gravity.

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11y ago

0.1785 g/l

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Q: Does helium weigh less when heated?
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The answer depends on what you are weighing. Helium weighs less than water if the volume is constant.

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They are not! The air inside them is trapped in the balloon and heated, expands, becomes less dense and rises therefore pulling the balloon up with it. If helium was used it would explode! :)

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the theaory of gravity when lifted by a hot air substance is qiute simple if you think about it

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The density of helium is approx. 0,9 g/L.

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No it would be lighter Imagine a 2 party balloons, one filled with helium and one jUst blown up Which one weighs less?

Is hot air balloons filled with helium?

No, it is filled with heated air.

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Which gases weigh more than air Im aware that helium qualifies but also you are aware that you have few known sources of this gas IE What other gasses are a viable choice for diving?

- Helium is less dense than air. - For diving, as diluents for oxygen nitrogen and helium are used.