

Does honey dissolve in oil

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Does honey dissolve in oil
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Will honey dissolve in water without stirring?

Only if blended and mixed in on a continual basis

How do you dissolve honey?

Put the honey in hot water

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What does not dissolve?

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Why don't water and honey mix?

Water and honey DO mix. Honey absorbs a certain amount of water. Water will dissolve honey.

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i dont know how oil dissolve in oil

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No. Oil will dissolve in fatty (hydrophobic) liquids, not in hydrophilics like water.

Why does honey dissolve in water?

Honey dissolves when it is in water becuase its water volume is very low.

Does honey dissolve?

Honey is soluble in Water. Think of it this way: No matter how hot you make water, oil will not dissolve in it. But, if you make water hot and put in honey (think tea with honey) the honey will dissolve. Something is "water soluble" if it dissolves in water.

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Why cant cooking oil dissolve a lolly?

Due to the density of the oil it is unable to dissolve a lolly

Is honey a viscous liquid?

no honey is not dense than oil because oil has grease in it which makes it thinner but honey is too thick to be more dense than oil Another Answer: Honey is more dense than water. Water will float on honey. Try it. Is oil is more dense than water. Take some cooking oil and pour it on water. Which floats on the other? If the oil floats on the water then honey is more dense than honey. If the water floats on the oil then you will need to see if the oil floats on the honey or if the honey floats on the oil.