

Does hot air rise or fall?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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Hot air rises

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Q: Does hot air rise or fall?
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Does hot and cold air fall or rise?

Hot air rises and cold air falls.

What is a example of convection?

hot air ballon because since the air is heated in the hot air balloon it will rise, And water boiling in a pan if you were cooking pasta you can see the pasta rise and fall with the convection current in the boiling water

Does heat rise or hot air rise?

Heat is the energy of the hot air. Therefore hot air rises

In which of these does hot material rise and cool material fall?

In a liquid (as solid particles in a liquid or in a lava lamp with two immiscible liquids) In the air, hot air rises, cold air descends (as in a hot air balloon)

When does a air balloon rise?

A hot air balloon rises because when hot air is added it is intended to rise and when the hot air balloons wants to land, hot air is decreased.

Why does heating the air in hot air balloon make it rise?

Hot air is lighter than cold air, so cold air sinks and hot air rises; that makes the hot air balloon rise (if the air around the hot air balloon is heated as well, it won't rise, or sink if in the air).

Why do you think hot-air balloons can rise into the air?

Hot-air balloons can rise up into the air because hot air is lighter, allowing it to float up into the sky.

Why do hot air balloons rise with hot air?

Hot air is less dense than cooler air, therefore the balloon will rise (float) on the cooler air around it.

How does hot and cold air have an effect on an balloon?

If there is warm air in the balloon, cooler air makes the balloon rise and if there is cold air in the balloon warmer air makes the balloon fall.

Will a balloon rise higher with hot air or cold air?

Hot air

What is the difference between an updraft and a downdraft?

Updrafts are systems of hot air, which rise. Birds and expert hot-air ballooners use them. Downdrafts are systems of cold air that tend to fall and bring things flying in it with them.

How is a hot balloon lifted into the air?

to make a hot air balloon rise you use hot air