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It is true human beings do produce electricity and scientifically a healthy active individual can light up a small bulb for 10 seconds.

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Q: Does human being have electricity
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What are the importance of electricity?

Electricity is important because it is the most needs of the human being. It is also responsible for modern technology and inventions.

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Is human body a conductor or non conductor of electricity?

the human body is a conductor of electricity

What are the importants of electreicity?

Electricity is important because it is the most needs of the human being. It is also responsible for modern technology and inventions.

What is the connection between the electricity in your bodies and being hit by lightning?

the human body contains water and sodium- an excellent combination for conduction

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No hydroelectricity is not bad for human.

How is electricity part of the human body?

Electricity is all around the body. in an electrid field.

Which system of human body uses electricity to operate?

The nervous system operates on electricity

Where do electromagnets in hydroelectric plants get their electricity?

they get it from static electricity by being touched then h2o and carbon get to it and they get there electricity

How does an electric eel conduct electricity?

the electric eel conduct electricity like how lights need electricity to work and like how the human body needs electricity to work.

Why is the human body a good electricity conductor?

The human body has liquid, with dissolved ions.

How does a human generate electricity?

when friction is generated. for example the rug. when u rub it against it, it generates electricity.