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has any one noticed weight gain after taking hyaluronic acid

I'm wondering the same thing. I'm not sure how much i gained while taking it but I do find that I'm resistant to losing weight while taking hyaluronic acid. In the past 4 days since stopping hyaluronic Acid, I've lost more weight than in the previous 2 weeks while taking it. Of course HA causes you to retain water so it might just be water weight. I'll check back in a couple weeks to let you know how things progress. In the mean time though my joints feel 30 years older now that i stopped taking it. :(

I was taking this for my skin and joints. I usually don't have a problem with weight gain, but gained water weight while taking this supplement. It only makes sense, since it plumps up tissues. So, you have to decide if you want to be heavier and have smoother skin, but when you're heavier your skin plumbs out anyway. I quit taking it. There are other supplements that don't have this side effect.

Yes, I also gained weight while on it and am having a difficult time getting rid of the extra 10 pounds. I usually am a steady 116 to 118 and, like you, don't have a problem with weight gain...and I went to 128. Will not take it, since I see that YOU also had the problem. I have discovered another product you can find online that MIGHT help you with the joint pain. I just began taking it - called Flexiprin. I have not experienced it yet, but it sounds promising. Don't know if it's good for wrinkles though.

I started taking an oral version of hyaluronic acid about 3 weeks ago and immediately noticed weight gain. I've cut back my caloric intake and am STILL gaining weight. Nearly 8 pounds since I've started taking it. I was going crazy wondering why I could not lose weight because I've never had a problem with that, but now I'm wondering if it's the HA. I plan to stop taking it immediately and will see if my weight drops over the next few weeks.

Thank you to the people who answered this thread. I have been on a weightloss journey for 9 months and had lost 40 lbs when I suddenly started gaining. I was racking my brain trying to figure out why the scale was suddenly moving in the wrong direction despite the fact that I hadn't made any changes to my diet or been any less active. The only thing I could think of is that I had started taking a joint supplement with HA recently. After Googling "hyaluronic acid weight gain" I found this page. I gained 4 lbs over the course of about a week and a half since beginning that supplement. The day after I stopped taking it, I lost 1.5 lbs immediately. I had hoped to avoid having to take those giant glucosamine and chondroitin tablets, but it looks like I'll have to go back to those. Hope this helps others.

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āˆ™ 9y ago
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Kimmy Jackson

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āˆ™ 3y ago
I've been taking the capsules and Also noticed an increased weight gain and since it's the "Only New" supplement I've started I think it's due to this. I was taking it as it was preventing hair loss from my hypothyroid. But with this weight gain ?!
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Kimmy Jackson

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āˆ™ 3y ago
I didn't notice it with a certain one brand but with this other..But with this new one I've been taking and will Now QUIT. I can't take it the scale just keeps going up and couldn't figure out why, so came here to check. Sure enuf! Done...
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Holly Sharp

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āˆ™ 2y ago

I definitely noticed weight gain. I have been exercising much more than I used to and cut out sugar, but since starting to take the HA I am going up in weight. Iā€™m going to stop taking it. Maybe I will just get the serum for my face.

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Caroline Cronin

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āˆ™ 2y ago

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Cynthia Grimstead

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āˆ™ 2y ago

I took HA in the past and I notice that I couldn't fit into my clothes. I couldn't understand the extra pounds until I stop the last HA pill. Then the pounds rolled off just like a raindrop on a car window. I haven't brought anymore since.

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