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Since hydrogen has one electron, it can either gain it or lose it to form cation or anion to achieve stable electronic configuration.



BY ID2057450460

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It can do both - acids contain H+ and hydrides contain H-

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Q: Does hydrogen gain or lose electrons?
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What cannot change in an atom is it protons neutrons or electrons?

An atoms protons cannot change.The number of neutrons can change (gain or lose) to form an isotope (ex. Hydrogen naturally has no neutrons. But it can gain neutrons to form Heavy Hydrogen, or in other words, a Hydrogen Isotope).An atom can gain or lose electrons to form an ion. Usually an atom will gain or lose electrons to fill its valence (outermost) shell. It takes just as much energy to gain an electron as it is to lose one, so an atom will always look to lose or gain the least amount of electrons possible. (ex. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons. It will look to gain 2 electrons, rather than lose 6).Protons: DO NOT CHANGENeutrons: Can change to form an isotopeElectrons: Can change to form an ion

DOES platinum gain lose or share electrons?

Since platinum is a metal it will tend to lose electrons.

How many electrons will hydrogen gain or lose when it forms an ion?

Hydrogen will either lose 1 electron to form a hydrogen cation (H+) or gain 1 electron to form a hydrogen anion (H-).

When hydrogen loses atoms what is formed?

Hydrogen itself is an atom. If that hydrogen atom were to lose/gain/share electrons it would become an isotope/ ion

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

Atoms typically do not lose protons because that would change the identity of the element. Instead, atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ions with a different charge. Protons are not generally lost by atoms in chemical reactions.

Do Covalent bonds do not gain or lose electrons?

That is correct. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms rather than the transfer of electrons, as seen in ionic bonds. The atoms involved in a covalent bond share electrons in order to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

How many electrons can phosphorous gain or lose?

It needs to gain 3 electrons than to lose 5 electrons. So phosphorus has to gain 3 electrons.

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How many electrons does it take for hydrogen and helium to become stable?

Helium is already stable. Hydrogen should gain or lose one electron to be stable.

When atoms lose or gain electrons they from?

When atoms lose or gain electrons, they form ions. These are charged particles.

Will Se lose or gain electrons and how many?

Se will gain electrons

How many electrons will phosphorus gain or lose in forming an ion?

In phosphene it gain 4 electrons. Phosphate lose 4 electrons