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Q: Does hydrogenated raise LDL
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What is hydrogenated oils made from?

There are a few main characteristics of hydrogenated oils. They all raise LDL cholesterol and raise HDl cholesterol, they get stored in adipose tissue, and some of their fatty acids become trans fats.

Do Saturated fatty acids raise LDL and decrease HDL?


DOES trans fatty acids help lower LDL cholesterol levels?

No, trans-fatty acids raises LDL and lowers HDL. Omega-3 Fatty Acids help reduce LDL and raise HDL. Omega-3 Fatty Acids are found in fish, flaxseed, nuts and soy.

Will eating certain high cholesterol foods cause a rise in my LDL levels?

If you eat large amounts of animal based foods such as bacon sausage, or cold cuts, then you may develop high LDL levels. Any sorts of fried foods can also cause spikes in LDL levels. Trans fats also raise your LDL levels. Chips, butter and sugar foods are all in that category.

What vitamins in doses 10 to 15 times the RDA has been shown to reduce LDL-cholesterol and raise HDL-cholesterol?

Niacin or D3

Why is hydrogenated oil bad for your health?

When hydrogenated oils were introduced into foods into the 1960's it was so manufactured foods would have a longer shelf-life. The thought was that if you replaced the animal fats in cookies, etc. with vegetable fats it would be better. However, it has been found that hydrogenated oil raises the LDL levels of bad cholesterol, and lowers the HDL levels of good cholesterol in your blood. Stay away from manufactured food. If it comes in a box and has ingredients you can't pronounce it isn't real food.

Pillsbury poisinous or not?

Pillsbury, as a company, is not poisonous. Pillsbury products may be good or bad for you; read the ingredients label. If you see "hydrogenated oil", or "partially hydrogenated oil" anywhere, it might as well be poison. These trans fats are worse for you than saturated fat, as they cause arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and high LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels, aka "bad cholesterol".

Can butane be hydrogenated?

No, as an alkane it is already fully hydrogenated

What does it mean if you have high LDL-P?

LDL-P stands for 'LDL-Particles' (as opposed to LDL-C which is LDL-Cholesterol). It's measured with a blood test commonly called "the particle test", and your LDL-P tells you the number of LDL particles in your blood. Usually LDL-P is measured along with LDL-C to obtain a more complete, detailed measure of cardiovascular risk - some doctors believe that particle levels as well as total cholesterol matter. Treatment strategies differ depending on the relationship between LDL-P and LDL-C, so there's not a 'cut and dried' target number for LDL-P (as there is for LDL-C).

Raise Your Numbers to Lower Them?

High cholesterol is a dangerous health risk that plagues many people. Cholesterol can be lowered by careful attention to your diet. A diet for high cholesterol actually seeks to raise HDL numbers and lower LDL numbers, thereby lowering overall cholesterol. HDL stands for high-density lipoprotein and is considered a good type of cholesterol. It can be found in foods such as nuts, eggs, fish, and cheese. LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. It is the bad cholesterol that should be lowered. Saturated fats can raise both HDL and LDL levels and should be consumed in moderation. Trans fats should be avoided completely.

How do you get a proper HDL LDL reading being a long term lacto-ovo vegetarian?

Reduce in general animal fats. Being a lacto-ovo vegetarian will not in itself reduce excessive cholesterol. Replace animal fats with vegetable oils (non hydrogenated).

what the normol of hdl and ldl?

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