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yes it does

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Q: Does hydroxychloroquene have any aspirin in it?
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If you have taken aspirin by mistake what should you do?

An aspirin or two won't do you any harm. Don't worry about it

Is there any Tylenol or Aspirin in Xanax or Valium?

The question is not clear... but there is no aspirin in xanax, and there is no xanax in aspirin.

Any reaction with aspirin and aloe vera?


Is aspirin can be an emergency contraceptive?

Nope, not in any way.

Why use recrystallisation for the purification of aspirin?

i do not have any answer,i want the answer

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Is aspirin good for hypothyroidism?

It's okay to take aspirin while taking synthroid. (Do not take more than what is recommended on the package of aspirin.) If you are considering taking aspirin daily for your heart, it should be a baby aspirin or 1/2 tablet of plain aspirin.

How do you produce aspirin?

You can buy aspirin at any grocery or drug store.

Does Clonazepam contain Aspirin?

No, clonazepam contains no aspirin and is not itself a member of nor does it contain any of the NSAID family of drugs. It's a benzodiazepine.

Is there aspirin in Ibuprofen 600 mg?

No, there is no aspirin in ibuprofen of any size.

Can you give a 5 week old puppy aspirin?

No you can't give it aspirin because it would choke wait until 1 year or 2 and then you could give it aspirin.

Why aspirin gives voilet clr with ferric chloride?

Ferric chloride, or iron(III) chloride will not react with aspirin. It will, however, react with salicylic acid, which is used to synthesize aspirin. In this light, adding an aqueous ferric chloride solution to a sample of aspirin is a good way to see if there is any unreacted salicylic acid. A purple color is an indication of salicylic acid. A sample of pure aspirin should not exhibit any color change.