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Q: Does hyperhidrosis cause dehydration
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Hypertionsion does cause hyperhidrosis

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Yes. Dehydration can cause preterm labor

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Yes, dehydration can cause hair loss

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yes it causes dehydration

Is sweating a symptom of Crohn's Disease?

Yes. It is a common symptom. Low grade fever especially at night can cause extra sweating. If you find you are sweating more than usual during a flare up of Crohns you should monitor and increase your fluid intake or risk dehydration. The symptom is call hyperhidrosis, speak with your doctor if this happens to you as Crohns patients are at severe risk for dehydration even without this added symptom.

Does Ecstasy cause dehydration?

Dehydration is a common occurrence with the drug

Why can sweating too much be dangerous?

Sweating too much will not kill but it will cause dehydration that may kill if not enough water is being replenished. Heavy sweating can cause major social and personal problems to your life. If you are sweating alot for no particular reasons, you may be suffering from a medical problem termed hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

What is generalized hyperhidrosis?

Generalized hyperhidrosis may affect the entire body

What kind of doctor treats hyperhidrosis?

Dermatologists typically treat hyperhidrosis.

Can dehydration cause a sore back?

Dehydration can cause a sore anything! But it may only be part of the problem.

Why does lemonade cause dehydration?

Lemonade is mostly water it doesn't typically cause dehydration. However if your only consuming lemonade and no food the laxative properities of the lemon's acid could cause dehydration.

Does dehydration cause headaches in children?

Yes, dehydration can cause, trigger or exacerbate certain headache types in children and adults.