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Craving ice is more likely a sign of some dehydration and/or fever than as an indicator of anemia. The only sure way to know if you are anemic is through blood tests of a Complete Blood Count (CBC). If you have a fever, a "Diff" (Differential) would be added to the bloodwork. If you are dehydrated, eating ice is not enough to replenish fluids.

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No, ice does not cause anemia. Anemia means not having enough red blood cells.

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If you have an uncontrollable desire to chew ice, you may be anemic. Same goes for eating dirt. Both may be related to iron deficient anemia. Don't ignore these symptoms.

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Q: Is craving ice a sign of anemia?
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Related questions

How do you stop craving for ice?

Chewing on ice may be a sign of anemia. Chew sugar free gum instead.

Is it bad to chew crushed ice from a machine?

There is nothing inherently bad about chewing on ice. Chewing on crushed ice is preferable to cubes because chewing cubes could cause cracks in tooth enamel. If you are craving ice to chew on it may be a sign of anemia which could indicate an iron deficiency.

Are there any heart problems where you crave ice?

The craving to chew ice is normally a sign of sexual frustration, not a heart problem

Is ice safe to eat while pregnant?

It can harm your teeth, but doesn't cause harm while your pregnant

Craving for ice?

My wife used to eat all the ice after finishing a glass of tea or soda. Then she was diagnosed with severe anemia. After taking iron supplements, she stopped eating ice. We never made the connection until several years later when we heard that a craving for ice was a symptom of an iron deficiency.

Why do you eat ice?

Eating excessive amounts of ice is a common sign of anemia. See a hematologist to have your iron levels checked.

What is the medical term meaning craving ice?

Pagophagia is the medical term meaning craving ice.

Why do people chew ice?

The term "pica" to describe craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value - such as ice, clay, cornstarch or paper. Craving and chewing ice is often associated with iron deficiency anemia - it may be associated with other nutritional problems.It's not known why some people with iron deficiency anemia crave and chew ice. Results from one study suggest it may be because of ice's pain-relieving properties, since some people with iron deficiency anemia experience tongue pain and inflammation (glossitis). researchers also found that ice has a new and better taste to some people who are iron deficient. In some individuals, pica is a sign of emotional problems, such as stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder or a developmental disorder.A thorough medical evaluation can help determine if pica is due to an underlying medical condition. If the cause of pica is an emotional or developmental issue, cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful.

Are there side effects to eating ice?

The only thing that I can think of is if you are biting on a large cube then you could crack a tooth. Brain freeze is possible but that passes. I have choked on an icecube when i was young. It got caught in my windpipe. I coughed it up but it scared me. If you are eating small pieces of ice it won't hurt you that I know of. When you eat ice cream or a slushie you are eating ice. Eating ice doesn't cause anemia. The craving for ice is usually an indication of iron def. anemia.

How do you stop an ice cream craving?

On an episode of Dr.Oz he said eat frozen peanut butter to stop the craving. Alternate answer: Have some ice cream. This is not always the way to go depending on if you are diabetic or have other issues with the sugar or milk in ice cream but sometimes when you are craving something for quite a while, your body is trying to tell you something. It's trying to tell you that it needs a nutrient or nutrients found in whatever it is that you are craving. Most of the time, once you eat what you are craving then the craving is satisfied. Obviously if you've already eaten a pint of ice cream and you're still craving it you need to find something else to stop the craving.

Is chalk a normal craving?

No, it can be a sign of a nutritional deficiency.

Is craving vinegar a sign of pregnancy?

Craving vinegar could be a sign of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant crave many different food items. This is believed to be because of dietary deficiencies.