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Liquid heats up faster. Ice take time to melt down first.

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Q: Does ice or liquid heat up faster?
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What temperature does ice melt fastest?

Cold water will not melt the ice cube in record time, but hot water will, but salt water will also melt it fast, but if you add both together the ice cube will melt alot fast. Deceasing time alot.

Does adding salt to ice make it melt faster?

chemically speaking no. It simply lowers the freezing point of the water, causing it to be liquid at temperatures less that 32F. But in effect the ice melts at a lower temperature, resulting in the ice melting faster than normal because it doesn't have to heat up as much.

Which milk would heat up faster liquid milk or powder milk?

the powder milk.

How heat moves through objects?

Electrons.. The atoms in the object (depending on the density) speed up when heated. Gas heats faster than liquid, liquid heats faster than solid.

When ice melts why doesn't the temperature rise?

From a macroscopic standpoint When you add heat to the water/ice mixture the water will warm up a little bit. The warmer water melts a little ice, and the latent heat of the ice absorbs the extra heat. From a microscopic standpoint The slightly warmer (faster) water molecules bump into the ice, which knocks a few molecules off. The formerly frozen molecules have lower kinetic energy, so the average kinetic energy of the water drops back to the melting point of the ice.

What kind of process is melting?

Melting is the process of turning a solid into a liquid. It is when a solid [such as ice] gains heat energy the particles inside the solid become excited and move further apart. The solid then becomes a liquid. If you continue to heat the liquid it will evaporate.

A solid that changes to a liquid?

A solid object like an ice cube can be liquid. How you ask? you can just heat it up! to change a liquid object back to a solid, you just freeze it!

Does water heat up faster than milk?

Milk will heat up faster.

What happens when liquid heats up?

It depends on how much heat and what liquid it is. If it loses just a few degrees on heat it just becomes colder. If it loses alot of heat then it becomes a solid

Why does ice cubes melt faster in hot water than in cold water?

because atoms in hot water vibrate faster, and cold water vibrates slower, hence movement generates heat, heat speeds up the ice cube's atoms, as the ice cube's atoms speed up it begins to expand, spread out it's mass and melt.

Why do solids heat up faster than liquids or gases?

Since most of the time we are concerned with heat being transferred via conduction, the denser the material, the easier it is to conduct heat. Except for the rare anomaly (think ice vs liquid water) solids are denser than their corresponding liquid forms. All that is a gross simplification of course. Many liquids heat quite a bit better than solids and convection (which can occur in liquids but not solids) can greatly aid in the speed of "heating up", so the generalization that solids heat up faster than liquids is only a tendency rather than a rule.

Will an ice cube melt faster if it is crushed up?

Yes it will. You are exposing more ice to warm air, (or liquid, as the case may be), and even the act of crushing it will create some friction.