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Q: Does invisalign change the way you kiss?
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If i am a lesbian then how do we kiss?

I assume the way a Male and Female would. Your sex should change the way you kiss.

Are braces the only way to fix teeth?

no there is a solution invisalign

How do you kiss a bisexual girl?

The same way you would kiss anyone else. Her sexuality doesn't change that.

Who sings the song 'change the way you kiss me'?

Example sings "Changed The Way You Kissed Me"

Can you where invisalign if you are missing teeth?

Yes you can wear Invisalign if you have missing teeth, your dentist will put this on the Rx they fill out for Invisalign

Can you buy invisalign online?

You can buy invisalign at Rite Aid

Can you wear invisalign while you exercise?

Can you wear Invisalign while you exercise? Invisalign is built to withstand lots, including exercise.

What can you eat with invisalign?

Anything. When undergoing invisalign treatment you can eat anything you normally would, you just have to take out the invisalign before you eat.

Can a 12 year old get invisalign teen?

You will need to talk with your dentist. Just got my invisalign off and my younger sister is 11 she needs braces but she can't get invisalign.

contact telephone number for invisalign headquarters?

The InvisaLign HQ is located in Santa Clara. The phone is 408-470-1000, which is AlignTech, which makes Invisalign. You might want to check out the Invisalign website FAQ section before calling:

Does invisalign really work?

Yes, Invisalign is the perfect option in many cases, Invisalign is transparent aligners, thus no one can notice them. Invisalign are expensive than traditional braces as they are customized and involve modern technology. You can get better details online at Invisalign München,

Can you still get Invisalign if you have your wisdom teeth?

mostly invisalign needs all of the teeth to work,but if your dentist or orthodontist is very experienced in doing invisalign they can do extraction cases but it all depends on where your tooth is missing from