

Does iodine react with cellulose

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Does iodine react with cellulose
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Why does iodine react with sugar?

Iodine does not react with sugar, it reacts with starch.

Does iodine react in hydrochloric acid solution?

Iodine will will not react with hydroelectric acid

Why glycogen gives red colour with iodine?

When Iodine is added to amylose, the helical shape of the unbranched polysaccharide traps Iodine molecules, producing a deep blue-black complex. Amylopectin, cellulose, and Glycogen react with iodine to give red to brown colors. Glycogen produces a reddish-purple color.

What colour shows the cellulose with iodine?

deep purple

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Why doesn't cellulose give a positive iodine test?

cellulose is derived from D-glucose units, which condensed through beta(1->4)-glycosidic bond. This give cellulose to be a straight polymer therefore, it can't coil around iodine to produce blue color as starch does.

What is principle of iodine test?

the iodine will react with carbohydrate to give different color .

Does iodine react to iodine?

No. If it did, it'd spontaneously boil, fume of burn in its container.

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Can rubidium react with iodine?

Yes. Rubidium is an alkali metal in the sodium group. It will react with iodine to form rubidium iodide:- 2Rb+ I2 -> 2RbI

What food doesn't react with iodine?

It's very likely that Iodine will react with plant products, since Iodine reacts with starch. Negative controls (glucose, water, and protein) could be used to verify the result.