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No. But never mind, printf and scanf are much better;)

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Q: Does iostream work in standard c programs?
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Can you replace getch of C programming in Linux without using iostream header?

There is a 'getch' in 'conio.h' which has nothing to do with 'iostream'.

What is difference between iostream and iostreamh in c plus plus?

<iostream.h> is an old style of programming and does not allow using namespaces. If you use <iostream> you can use namespaces, and limit number of predefined function (not used) included with your program.

What is the purpose of including 'iostream.h' in each C program?

It is not anecessary to inlcude iostream in every C++ program, if you are using any Input stream (e.g. cin>>) ot Output stream (e.g. cout<<) functionality, then it's mandatory to include iostream

What is the program to create a string class which stores a string value in c plus plus?

C++ already provides a string class in the C++ standard template library. #include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { using namespace std; string s {"Hello world!"}; cout << s << endl; }

What is the use of iostream in c plus plus programming?

iostream.h is deprecated and should not be used. It was originally shipped with early versions of C++ which used CFront to produce C compatible code from C++ source. Later, when C++ was standardised, iostream.h became iostream (without the .h extension), but many implementers shipped with both versions. However, iostream.h is not standards compliant and should not be used today. In most cases the file can simply be deleted unless you have non-compliant legacy code that requires it.

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C plus plus programs-print a message?

#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello world!\n"; }

Fundamental components of a c plus plus program?

#include <iostream> using standard namespace std; int main() { cout << "your prob shouldn't be taking c++"; return 0; }

Can you replace getch of C programming in Linux without using iostream header?

There is a 'getch' in 'conio.h' which has nothing to do with 'iostream'.

Why c and c plus plus programs can not work on all platforms?

C and c++ programs can work on all plate form if they do not have machine dependent code.The executable files of these can not work no different plate forms because they have machine dependent information and if machine changes the information will become meaningless .

What is difference between iostream and iostreamh in c plus plus?

<iostream.h> is an old style of programming and does not allow using namespaces. If you use <iostream> you can use namespaces, and limit number of predefined function (not used) included with your program.

What is the use of stdioh in C programs?

stdio.h is a header file that is a part of the standard C library. It contains a number of routines used for standard input (usually from the keyboard) and output (usually to the console/terminal).

What is the purpose of including 'iostream.h' in each C program?

It is not anecessary to inlcude iostream in every C++ program, if you are using any Input stream (e.g. cin>>) ot Output stream (e.g. cout<<) functionality, then it's mandatory to include iostream

What is the program to create a string class which stores a string value in c plus plus?

C++ already provides a string class in the C++ standard template library. #include<iostream> #include<string> int main() { using namespace std; string s {"Hello world!"}; cout << s << endl; }

Why use header file iostreamh?

You use the <iostream> header when you wish to make use of the standard input/output streams, which primarily includes std::cin, std:cout and std::cerr, amongst other standard IO stream facilities. Note that C++ standard library headers do NOT have file extensions. That is, there is no <iostream.h> header in the C++ standard library. The only headers that do have extensions are those specifically provided by the C standard library. However, you must NOT include these headers in your own code as they will pollute the global namespace. If you require these headers, use the corresponding C++ header instead. For example, if you require <math.h>, include <cmath>. The C++ headers will import all the names from corresponding C header and place them in the C++ standard namespace.

How to make simple projects from basic c plus plus?

There is no such thing as basic C++. You probably meant standard C++, which simply means that the implementation conforms to some ISO standard. The current standard is ISO/IEC 14882:2011, informally known as C++11. However, simple projects can be created in any version of C++ by creating console programs.

What is the use of iostream in c plus plus programming?

iostream.h is deprecated and should not be used. It was originally shipped with early versions of C++ which used CFront to produce C compatible code from C++ source. Later, when C++ was standardised, iostream.h became iostream (without the .h extension), but many implementers shipped with both versions. However, iostream.h is not standards compliant and should not be used today. In most cases the file can simply be deleted unless you have non-compliant legacy code that requires it.

Why is getch defined in conio header file and not in iostream?

It is not a question, because it is inbuilt by authors of c(dennis ritchie &brian kernighan) it is inevitable you cannot change it or question it. Actually, getch is not part of the standard C run time library, it belongs to curses (unix) or conio (DOS). iostrem is not part of the C-rtl either, because it is C++