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If you meant an isotonic solution, an isotonic solution is a solution which contains the same concentration of solutes as the cell it is being compared to. This creates dynamic equilibrium, as the amount of solutes entering the cell and leaving the cell is the same.

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Q: Does isotonic mean a fluid containing salt and minerals?
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0.9 sodium chloride solution is isotonic with extacellular and intracellular fluid what does isotonic mean?

Isotonic means that the fluid has the same osmolarity as blood plasma - in the case of 0.9% sodium chloride, it means that this fluid has the same concentration of salt as blood plasma has.

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It is a solution in which the raw materials for mineral production are in abundance. A solution containing dissolved minerals.

What does isotonic to environment mean?

"Just as salty as the environment."

What is mean by the two solutions are isotonic?

Isotonic literally translates to "equal tension." It means that two substances have the same concentration of a solute.adjective Physiology 1 (of muscle action) taking place with normal contraction. 2 denoting or relating to a solution having the same osmotic pressure as some other solution, esp. one in a cell or a body fluid. • (of a drink) containing essential salts and minerals in the same concentration as in the body and intended to replace those lost as a result of sweating during vigorous exercise.

What does maintaining osmotic equilibrium mean?

Your cells are in an isotonic environment.

What does it mean when two solutions are isotonic?

When two solutions are isotonic it means that they have an equal amount of solute concentration. This state is referred to as dynamic equilibrium.

How many fl oz in two cups?

A standard cup is defined as containing six fluid ounces of liquid. If actually intending to mean a glass, a standard glass is defined as eight fluid ounces.

What type of solution doesnt change the shape of a cell?

Isotonic does not change the shape of a cell membrane

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What does apatite mean?

Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals. These minerals are made of hydroxylapatite.

What are some minerals in silicates?

silicates are minerals so perhaps you mean what elements are in silicates? , OR are you asking what are some silicate minerals?