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Your bowels are nowhere near your uterus (womb) and constipation does not cause a miscarriage. If there is a tissue like substance in the toilet it may be from something you have eaten like tomato skin or sweetcorn, sometimes mushrooms. You may miscarry when you have constipation but the two are not related. I don't know if that is true or not...I have been having spotting after an episode of constipation myself. I experienced spotting for two days. How is it not possible that it can't harm your pregnancy. If a pregnant woman is not to lift heavy object, how can it not be harmful to strain the abdomen when having a bowel movement. I remember, from my previous pregnancies, having the same full sensation in my bowels when I was getting ready to have my baby. I strained the same muscles to push my baby into the world. So, how is it not possible to dislodge or push the fetus from the uterus with enough pressure applied on these same muscles? Because it is the muscles of the bowel wwhich push out a stool and the muscles of the uterus which push out the baby. The abdominal muscles only help. You may pass a stool as the baby is delivered because it was in the rectum and the baby's head has squeezed it out, like toothpaste out of a tube. I had bleeding during my bowel movements during my pregnancy and it wasn't a miscarriage situation but a polyp on my uterus that was causing blood to be expelled during my bowel movements which was clotted and looked like tissue. After the removal of the polyp I had no my vaginal bleeding during my pregnancy until labor.

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Q: Does it cause a miscarriage if you have straining bowel movements and what should you look for if there is tissue-like substance in the toilet after you do have a bowel movement?
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