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Well, if they have a wireless modem thing then they just pay what they usually do for it. There is no extra cost.

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Q: Does it cost someone to get online with an ipod touch?
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How mucg does an iPod Touch cost?

it depends on where you want to purchase it. It could cost anywhere between $100.00 to $400.00. I would not recommend purchasing an Ipod Touch online because someone could be scamming you. Instead visit a store near you and then you can discuss the price and the large range of applications you can get.

Does an iPod touch cost more than an iPod?

Yes, the iPod Touch of the same capacity as any other iPod will cost more.

Cost of 32gb iPod Touch?

A 32GB iPod touch cost $299.00 on the US Apple Store.

Does it cost money to text someone in another country using an iPod Touch?

No. I do it all the time

Do you have to pay for online access on an iPod Touch?

No you do not have to pay to access the Internet on an iPod touch.

Can you access lyrics on your iPod touch?

You can get lyrics online with your iPod touch but only if you have Wifi.

What if you don't have a wireless connection for a ipod touch?

Then you can't go online on your iPod touch.

What is the cost for 3.0 iPod touch?

The iPod touch 3.0 software costs $9.99.

How much does cydia cost on iPod touch?

Cydia costs $9.99 on iPod touch.

Does it cost money to look up apps on an Ipod touch?

No, it does not cost money to look up apps on an iPod touch.

What is the difference in the cost of an iPod touch to an iPod nano?

about 50$

How much money does an 8gb iPod touch cost?

The iPod Touch 8gb costs 199$