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Q: Does it cost to charge electric cars?
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Related questions

Are hybrid cars different than electric cars?

Unlike Electric Cars, Hybrid Cars don't need an outlet to charge battery

How are electric cars different than hybrid cars?

Electric cars are electric, hybrids are gas, and electric.

What is the weakness of electric cars is their?

You, cant charge them everywhere :)

What is the weakness of electric cars?

Well Electric cars are pretty cool, but they need to be charged a lot, and there aren't many places you can charge them.

Are there more electric cars in London since the congestion charge?

Yes but not by much

Why weren't electric cars very useful?

They are ,they just cost a fortune

Does gasoline cost more than electricity for cars?

No, a full tank of gas is now 50 to 60 dollars, it only costs two or three dollars to charge an electric car.

What are battery powered cars?

Batteries are not a form of fuel. They store energy. Hybrids and electric cars need large batteries as their primary fuel is stored in batteries. Both types of cars use gasoline to charge the batteries. Electric cars also can use the grid to charge. So, if your energy comes from coal, it would be actually a coal fueled unit.

What would be the cost to open a gem car dealer ship electric cars?

IN Which country?

How can electric cars can help our energy crisis in the future?

they do not require gasoline obviously, so their will be less need for petroleum. and electric cars recharge overnight for as little as $1.50 a charge, so they are also cheaper in the long run than gasoline cars

Why does an electric car is important?

Electric Cars are important because they will decrease the overall pollution in the world. They will also conserve oil reserves which the drilling of cause earthquakes. Electric cars are also more energy and cost efficient.

Do you save gas by using the electric car and if you do how?

no electric cars do not save gas but if u ride a cow around it will not cost anything.