

Electric Cars

Most cars burn fossil fuel for energy. Electric cars run on rechargeable batteries that provide electricity to an electric motor. Versions of these cars are powered by either conventional household current or through hydrogen fuel cells.

301 Questions

How much more will your electric bill go up if you plug in an electric car for 8 hours?

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It varies depending on the electric car model and energy rates, but a rough estimate is around $2-$4 for an 8-hour charge.

How does an electrical storm affect my car?

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An electrical storm can potentially damage your car by causing power surges that can harm the electrical systems, such as the battery, ignition system, and computer. Lightning strikes can also cause direct damage to the vehicle's electrical components or starting a fire if it hits the car directly. It is recommended to park your car in a garage or under a shelter during electrical storms to minimize any risk of damage.

What is the fastest electric car in the world today and how fast can it go?

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The fastest electric car in the world today is the Rimac Nevera, with a top speed of 258 mph (415 km/h). It can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 1.85 seconds, making it one of the quickest cars, electric or otherwise, currently available.

How will production of electric cars affect production of gasoline cars in the future?

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The production of electric cars is likely to increase over time, leading to a decrease in the production of gasoline cars. As demand for electric vehicles grows and technology advances, many automakers are already shifting their focus towards electric models. This could result in a decline in gasoline car production in the future as the automotive industry adapts to the changing market trends.

How would the bulbs shine in a series circiut?

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An electric light bulb, incandescant type, is designed to operate at a certain voltage. Let's take 12 volt car headlights for example. Two 12 volt lights are connected in parallel in a car to provide the headlights, the same 2 lights could be connected in series if used on a truck with a 24 volt battery, or 20 of the lights could be connected in series if connected to a 240volt home electric circuit. (In the US think of 10 connected in series on your 110 volt system.) The lights would each produce about the same light output, but the number of lights would cause more light in total.

In series there is a problem, when one light failsm they all go out. That's why lights in a house are connected in parallel.

What is the average speed of an electric car?

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What is the average speed of an electric car?

Can you use an inverter and electric heater in your car?

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Provided the heater is of a low wattage it should not affect normal running of the car

Nikola tesla invented electricity?

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No, electricity is a natural phenomena found in lightning, and every living creature and plant. Nikola Tesla studied Alternating Current (ac) electricity and the machines that generate it, as well as motors that run on it. He also experiments with very high power radio waves as he tried to transmit electricity without wires. You could call him the father of modern Electrical Power Generation.

How far can electric cars go?

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Electric cars range is dependent on a lot of variables. The weight of the car and the quality of the drive train all affect the distance. Of course it also depends on the batteries. The best batteries to be used in Electric Cars at the moment are Lithium Ion

Many Electric Vehicles like the Nissan Leaf will get anywhere from 100 to 150 miles per charge

The Telsa Roadster though will get about 245 miles on a single charge

Why did GM cancell the first electric car?

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The EV1 was only a concept that was limited mainly by battery technology. It was overpriced for it's time and it could never have been produced for or sold to the general public for any profit (GM had to charge 10's of thousands of dollars for people to just lease them). But GM has taken the knowledge gained from their test and have turned it into the Chevrolet Volt and Opal Ampere (only available in Europe).

There is a documentary that addresses this question , "Who killed the electric car", it aired sometime in spring/summer of 09.

Why would your car have no power when you accelerate?

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maybe your fuel filter is clogged. try changing it or cleaning it.


or if its a stick shift, you could be shifting WAY too early. if it IS a stick shift and this is the case, then you generally want to keep the RPM's between 2-3.5K for a decent amount of power for daily driving.

How do you change the fuse for electric car seats on a 1999 Mercury Mystique?

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my battery is new for mercery mistque 1999 but the light on the dash board goes on and off why

How does the electric car work?

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If you are talking hybrid, a small gas engine drives a generator that charges the batteries that drive the electric motors for the wheels. For small trips, just the battery is used and can be recharged at home. For extended trips, the gas engine runs to keep the batteries charges. As the gas engine runs at a constant rate, the emissions and fuel usage can be greatly reduced compared to a conventional car/engine.

If you are talking a battery electric car, the function remains the same except there is no gas engine to keep the batteries charged when it is not plugged in.

Locomotives on a train operate in a similar way as a hybrid. A big diesel engine turns a generator that supplies electrical power to the drive motors connected to the traction wheels on the rails. The engineer controls the electric power to the drive wheels instead of the diesel engine directly.

Do electric cars use gas?

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only when the power goes out

Are electric cars good for the environment?

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yes as they do not give out carbon dioxide (co2) witch is contributing to the ice caps melting

Your answer is incomplete and barely right.

Electric autos do not produce CO2 BUT to charge the battery CO2 is produced at the power generating plant!

Every KwH used by an electric car generated on average about 600g of CO2.

600g of CO2 is a worldwide average of CO2 emissions/ KwH.

How many people drive electric cars in London?

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Approxomately 15200000 car per year